About The Devon Horse Show

Brenda Carpenter Photography
In 1896, the Devon Horse Show started as a one-day show. Now, more than 125 years later, it has become the oldest and largest outdoor multi-breed competition in North America and it has achieved the highest rating afforded by the governing organization, US Equestrian Federation (USEF).
- In 2019, the Devon Horse Show was named “Horse Show of the Year” by the National Show Hunter Hall of Fame (NSHHF).
- The United Professional Horseman’s Association (UPHA) Chapter 15, named the Devon Horse Show the Hackney/Saddlebred Horse Show of the Year in 2019.
- In 2014, the Devon Horse Show and Country Fair was named Outstanding Volunteer Fundraising Group by the Greater Philadelphia Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP).
- Devon was selected to host one of two observation events used to select the United States Show Jumping team that competed at the 2012 London Olympics.
- The DHS also received the 2012 United States Hunter Jumper Association Members Choice Award rewarding excellence at US Equestrian-licensed hunter/jumper competitions relating to the competition, the facility where it took place, footing, competition personnel and hospitality.
- Devon has been awarded one of the top 25 horse shows by the North American Riders Group, ranking 14th in 2015.
- In 2012, it received the Best of the Main Line and Western Suburbs Award for the BEST FAMILY EVENT.

Photography by The Book LLC
- Devon has also been recognized many times by the National Show Hunter Hall of Fame as the Horse Show of the Year. Devon has captured this national title over fifty percent of the time since it has been given. It was also awarded Hunter Derby of the Year for 2011.
- In 2010, Devon became just the fourth American horse show to be honored with the designation as a US Equestrian Heritage Competition. This award is reserved for those competitions that have been in existence for more than a quarter century; promoted and grown the equestrian sport; and made a contribution to the community outside the gates of the horse show by achieving, maintaining and promoting the equestrian ideals of sportsmanship and competition.
We invite you to share in our traditions!