As a 501(c)(3), nonprofit organization, the Devon Horse Show and Country Fair Foundation relies on your support to make improvements necessary to ensure its position as one of the premier equestrian event facilities.
The Foundation is organized and operated to perform the charitable and educational purposes of the Devon Horse Show and Country Fair, Inc.
• Supports maintenance and improvement of the historic Devon Horse Show grounds.
• Goals include continuing to maintain and improve our facilities as we are financially capable of completing.
The Foundation owns and maintains the grounds in support of the Devon Horse Show & Country Fair, Inc.
2021 marked the end of our 125th Anniversary and our $5 million, five-year capital campaign.
Contribute Today
Devon Horse Show & Country Fair Foundation
As a 501(c)(3), nonprofit organization, the Devon Horse Show and Country Fair Foundation relies on your support to make improvements necessary to ensure its position as one of the premier equestrian event facilities in the country and maintain the classic charm of the Country Fair.
How You Can Help
Over the past three years, with your help, the Foundation has made a concerted effort to address some of the areas of the grounds most in need of attention. Some major improvements to date include:
- New Footing in the Dixon Oval, Wheeler Ring and Schooling Area.
- Complete restoration of the barns along Dorset and Berkley Roads.
- Additional box seating at East 2 grandstand.
- New Tea Cart, Pavilion, Picnic Grove, Souvenir and Candy booths in the Country Fair.
- Increased and improved handicapped seating.
- Construction of a new Hospitality Complex.
- Restoration of the Main, South and East Grandstands.
- Remodel of Horse Show Office and Committee Stand.
- Redesign of Country Fair food booths.
- Complete the Barn Restoration Project, including the barns along Valley Forge Road.
There are many opportunities available for those who wish to participate, and with much work to yet be completed, we are asking you to consider making a tax deductible donation to the Devon Horse Show & Country Fair Foundation.
Gifts may be made by mail or online. If you would like to make a gift by transfer of securities, please contact Paul Saylor, Financial Director, at 610-964-0550 ext. 217 or email paul@devonhorseshow.com.
Donate OnlinePlanned Giving
As a 501(c)(3), nonprofit organization, the Devon Horse Show and Country Fair Foundation relies on your support to make improvements necessary to ensure its position as one of the premier equestrian event facilities in the country and maintain the classic charm of the Country Fair.
The Foundation is organized and operated to perform the charitable and educational purposes of the Devon Horse Show and Country Fair, Inc.
Charitable giving does not require great wealth. What it does require is generosity of spirit – the desire to share what you have for the benefit of others. We are committed to ensuring that your gift makes a real and enduring impact.
Ways of Giving1896 Society

The 1896 Society is a new annual giving program supporting the mission of Devon through preservation of our tradition, historic grounds and other initiatives to ensure Devon’s future for generations to come.
The Devon Horse Show and Country Fair Foundation is grateful to the many donors who have given generously to our organization. These donations support our grounds and our organization so that we may continue to be one of the top Horse Shows in the country as well as the longest running outdoor multi-breed show.
Anniversary Square Commemorative Campaign

As we celebrate our 127th Anniversary, join us in continuing the Devon tradition for years to come.
Purchase a commemorative brick for Anniversary Square to honor your family, horse, barn, or simply to express your support for the Devon Horse Show & Country Fair!
The Square was launched at the 2016 spring show — we look forward to celebrating the next 127 years at Devon!
Download the purchase form: Commemorative Brick Flyer
Commemorative Barn Plaque
Purchase a Devon horse shoe engraved with your horse’s name that will be proudly displayed on our Wall of Honor for ten years. Your support will be a vital part of the restoration program for the Devon Back Barns. Upgrading the stalls will enhance your horse’s experience at Devon.
Download the purchase form: Barn Restoration Form